Integrated AppsCodis – Intellerator


Want to enhance your Sage 200 reporting? Say hello to Intellerator – Microsoft Power BI dashboards designed for Sage 200. Gain access to dynamic, interactive financial reports that help you uncover trends, seize opportunities, and make smarter decisions by integrating real-time data from other systems. Forget static PDFs and take the leap to Intellerator, the perfect partnership between Microsoft Power BI and Sage 200.

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Sage 200 - Tailored Finance and Business Software for SMEs
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Benefits of Business Intelligence for Sage 200

What makes Intellerator so powerful? Below are the key benefits:

  • Interactively report on Sage 200 – Cover everything from financial data to commercial insights.
  • Reports across all Sage 200 companies – View combined totals across all companies or focus on specific ones using filters.
  • Cross-system reporting – Analyse data from Sage 200 alongside information from other third-party systems.
  • Dynamic filtering – Instantly refine reports by selecting options from dropdowns or interacting with charts.
  • Drill down – Easily trace any chart back to the individual transactions using a detailed transactions table.
  • Output to Excel – Export transactions to Excel for deeper analysis or make adjustments using Excelerator.
  • Customisable refresh – Update data manually or set up automatic refresh schedules to stay current.
  • Fully customisable – Get in touch with us to tailor reports specifically to your business needs.

Voices of Success: What Our Customers Say About Us

Lenses -
Two sides of the same coin


Sales manager can see sales figures and top customers across the company and for each sales rep.


Samuel can only see his sales figures and his top customers.

With Intellerator Lenses, users can access the same link while viewing only the Sage 200 data you permit them to see, fully customisable within Sage 200. Picture this:

    • Sales representatives viewing only their own sales figures.
    • Cost centre managers accessing profit and loss statements for their specific cost centres.
    • Department managers reviewing their department’s nominal transactions.
    • Meanwhile, the financial manager sees the complete, overarching data set.

Say goodbye to the chaos of multiple spreadsheet versions and embrace a unified source of truth with Intellerator.

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